Enjoy the shared fishing
RULES WHAT THE TOUR INCLUDES: INCLUDES: captain, mate, tackle, bait and gear, soft drinks, beer and fishing license. NOT INCLUDED: Transportation to the dock, food, tip (up to you) and dock fee. RULES FOR SHARED FISHING: The Motion Sickness Policy: • In respect to the others anglers, we cannot cut the trip early if any passenger request to return to the marina due to motion sickness. • The only way to cut the trip early is if all the passengers agree to come back. Also take in count that unfortunately we cannot refund money, especially if the conditions are considered safe.
THE ORDER OF CATCHING FISH • The first angler to book has the option to reel in the first fish. The second angler has the option to reel in the second fish. This process continues until every angler has caught a fish. If any angler declines, the next angler in line has the option to reel in the fish. • Captains reserve the right to change these guidelines as needed. KEEPING THE FISH POLICY • If you wish you can keep the fish that you reel in. The crew will clean, cut and pack it for you. No cost at all. • Listen the crew advice about which fish is edible and which is not. Barracudas may carry bacteria named “cigua” (straight trip to the hospital) and some species like wahoos and amberjack may have worms inside.

Copyrigth 2017 Shared Fishing Cancun, All rigths reserved. | Design and development by GoBrand Studio


Mahi Mahi, Sailfish, King Mackerel, Wahoo, Amberjack, Tunas, Groupers, Snappers, Trigger Fish, Baracudas & more...



+(52) 99 82 00 32 40 info@sharedfishingcancun.com